- Adaptability.
- Time Management Skills.
- Stress Management Skills.
- A Fearless Spirit.
- Determination.
Adaptability: Be the Flexible Entrepreneur
How Well Do You Handle Change? When you have a traditional job, most often, you have your list of expected duties to fulfill. You have no need to worry about anything else but your job. It is your sole concern. That is wildly appealing to some. Not so in an entrepreneur’s life. Quite the opposite, as a business owner, you must be prepared to deal with anything and everything that could affect your business. Yes, literally. Who else will do it? Don’t bother looking around – that person is you. You had better be adept at taking the unexpected in stride, or you will stay in a state of panic. We are not saying it is easy, but it is necessary, no less. This is such an important topic, we will expand on it in another blog post and talk about HOW to be adaptable. For now, suffice it to say, it is a trait you should be concerned with developing, or quite frankly, you will stay stressed out. That leads to burn out, and a decline in business… not where you want to go. Stay tuned for more on this subject!Time Management Skills: On Time is Late
Are You in Control?
If you are not so great with your time management skills, you need to become a student. Then do not quit striving to do better in this area until you are in complete control of all of your minutes each day.
Well, minus the 25% you had better set aside for life happening to you. It does. It will. It’s a certainty. If you do not set aside some breathing room in your schedule, every unexpected event will throw you off your beat.
Your goal is to become an efficiency superhero. Think about it…we each have the same 24 hours in a day to use well. Why do some accomplish the work of ten people, while others struggle to do the work of one?
Granted, some have extenuating circumstances to deal with. It is more challenging if you wear other hats too.
At one time I was a stay at home mother of five, homeschooling, caring for my mother, and running my businesses and household. All with the same 24 hours a day I have now, with one daughter left at home, going to public school, and I have a tiny cabin to tend to.
Gee, I have some self-evaluation to do too!
The thing is though, most people do have at least one extenuating circumstance that makes their life more challenging than they’d like. Just because it is difficult does not mean you can ignore it. Not if you wish to be successful in business. You must learn to rock your time management skills.
For more on efficiency and time management, see our blog posts 3 Success Secrets To Maximize Your Productivity and How to Harness the Power of the Quarter Hour
Stress Management Skills: Keeping Cool Under Hot Pressure
Have You Mastered the Art of Remaining Calm?
Here is yet another reason to learn to be adaptable and efficient. Both traits go far towards helping you remain calm in those moments when you are freaking out and can’t think straight.
Oh, so you have not experienced that? You must not be your own boss yet! The entrepreneurial journey is typically chock full of opportunities to freak out. When you are all discombobulated and emotional, you are not doing anything good for your business until you rein it in. That is a fact.
But how do you rein it in?
The answer is more complex than what can be covered in a single blog post. As always though, we have you covered!
Here are links to some of our previous posts you will find helpful: Do Red-Hot Customers Make You Want to Lose Your Cool? and How to Manage Your Emotions in Three Simple Steps
This next link is super special. We are hard at work behind the scenes on a self-improvement course that is exactly what anyone who struggles to overcome these things needs.
Definitely working on getting out of those comfort zones! Baby steps for sure… Thanks for the encouragement!
Thanks Casey! Baby steps are important. Molehills are easier to climb than mountains!