by bsadmin | Feb 6, 2018 | Business, Facebook, Marketing, Social Media
Ah hoy hoy everyone! I want to talk about something I’ve noticed a lot of lately. I know sometimes it feels hard to do live videos and keep getting out there. When nobody’s watching or gives likes you can get discouraged. A lack of engagement can lead to also...
by bsadmin | Sep 29, 2017 | Facebook, Self-Help, Social Media, Tools
Social media today is full of advertising, personal interest stories, and anxiety – NOISE. Some people won’t come near it and others are completely immersed. Teens are spending more than one-third of their days consuming media. That’s almost 9 hours...
by bsadmin | Sep 1, 2017 | Facebook, Marketing, Social Media
If you’re out there reading this (and were anything like me when I started) you’re afraid of Social Media. You know that you need it, but the concept is big and scary. You see videos and courses, professionals and gurus, but no clear-cut answers....
by bsadmin | Apr 14, 2017 | Business, Facebook, Marketing, Tools
Facebook Business Page – Get One. If you are a business owner, and don’t yet have a Facebook Business or fan page, I bet you hear all the time about how you need one. In fact, we just told you. (Bazinga!) Do you know why? Well, besides that everyone else...
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