Ah Hoy Hoy Everyone! As you know, I am a huge fan of making sure you’re using good business practices. I want to do everything I can to ensure you grow your business and value. Setting expectations are important. Today we’re talking about how client want their services. There’s three ways and that’s good, fast, and cheap. This is what they search for.

Here’s the thing. You need to set expectations.

If you actually give your clients all three at the same time, it will hurt you and your business. This doesn’t respect you or your business by trying to give all three things. What if you were to give your clients the choice between two? If you give clients the option of which one they’d prefer, cheap is generally not the option. A project good and cheap is possible, but don’t expect it to be fast.
If it’s something cheap and fast they want, quality won’t be as strong as it could be. There’s much stress that comes with a project with a tight deadline. You won’t be able to do it with the same level of quality and attention to detail as if you took your time. If this is what your client wants their expectations need to be set accordingly. Your client shouldn’t be expecting high quality.
You can have a project done good and fast but it won’t be cheap. A tight timeline usually means there’s extra resources such as staff to pay for. It’s a discomfort for the business as well that needs to be covered.
Regardless, your clients will want all three every time. As long as you remember that their options should revolve around only being able to pick between one or two. I hope this helps you better represent yourself and appreciate your value. If you’re not paying yourself enough you won’t have enough to go out and grow your business.