How to Harness the Power of the Quarter Hour

How to Harness the Power of the Quarter Hour

via GIPHY Do you tend to run out of day before you run out of to-do list? Are there tasks that keep getting moved forward to the next day’s list….but they never get done? Do large projects overwhelm or intimidate you? Do you have a hard time maintaining...
How to Laugh Yourself Healthy and Happy

How to Laugh Yourself Healthy and Happy

No doubt, we’ve all heard the phrase, “laughter is the best medicine”. So much so, that it has become cliché and lost much of its power. In actuality, regular bouts of laughter can have health benefits, as well as elevate your mood. Forcing yourself to laugh and...
How To Quickly Shift Destructive Thinking

How To Quickly Shift Destructive Thinking

“They would be better off without me.” “I’m worthless, no wonder nobody loves me. “ “I don’t deserve to be happy anyway.” “Why go on?” Have you ever had destructive thoughts like this? You are not alone. If we are honest, most of us have, but we find...