When you think of your top priorities in business what’s the first thing that comes to mind? I bet it’s “how do I grow my business?”. As a small-business owner, I understand what a challenge that can be. You may be lacking the budget for marketing campaigns or the time to actually focus on areas to grow your business. Ever thought of what kind of business hacks you can utilize to achieve this?

When you’re in this position the answer to your questions is growth-hacking. This is the process of experimenting with your current strategies and determining what works and utilize it to grow your business. This is the ultimate business hack that will help you grow your business and gain valuable data from experimenting.  

Market Your content

If you’re not already doing blog posts, why? If you have a website this is a critical tool to utilize and drive traffic towards your site.

This may seem obvious to some but if you’re just getting started, blog posts are one of the amazing business hacks you need to start using. This will improve your SEO(Search Engine Optimization) and convert your website visitors into customers. Use online research tools to find high-volume keywords with low-competition for your blog posts.

Not only will these business hacks attract more of your target audience and grow your customer base, it offers engaging and useful content for your visitors. In turn building trust with your audience.

Business hacks for your content


It’s one thing to create content and display it to the masses, but have you ever thought of business hacks for your content?

Hacking your content is a great way to grow your e-mail list and in turn increase your customer base. Doing so is simple! Offer your visitors a freebie or another piece of free content that is relevant to the blog post their visiting. Using these business hacks will give you another opportunity to turn visitors into potential customers.

As an example you could offer a free downloadable PDF to your readers in exchange for their email address. Provided the content you’ve crafted is valuable to the visitor, it’s highly likely they’ll be interested in clicking and getting more content from you.


Retargeting Your Marketing

Want to have all these eyes on your brand? You can increase the amount of eyes on your brand with business hacks such as re-targeting.

The average customer makes nine visits to a website before purchasing. This means that re-targeting is one of the valuable business hacks.

Re-targeting with Facebook and Google requires a pixel be added to your site. The will enable you to show targeted ads to users that have visited your website at some point. Now when they’re searching the web or Facebook, they’ll see ads encouraging them to re-visit your website. Mixing your business hacks in with a call-to-action across your social media and website will increase your views and click actions. You can direct customers to join your mailing list or follow you on your social media channels.

Feedback Is one of the greatest business hacks

What’s a better way to get feedback on what you’re doing than to ask your audience/customers? Every business has room to improve and sometimes you can’t see what those areas of improvement are. Getting feedback from the people you want to sell is an excellent way to find those areas of improvement. Not only will it show great customer service but can really have an impact on your sales.

You can setup a pop-up on your website asking visitors for feedback on products, user experience, etc. You could even start a poll on your social media channels asking people for their feedback. There’s so many ways to reach out to your customers and find out what you can do to make their experience better. It will also ensure future customers have an even better experience.