As entrepreneurs, the good news is, we set our own work pace. 
The bad news is, we set our own work pace.
Having the luxury of setting your own pace is not without its challenges. It takes a certain level of determination to push yourself out of comfort zones. If you are not venturing out of those cozy places, you are not growing.
It also means honest self-evaluation.
Ouch, sometimes, if you are doing it right. Not everyone is up for that.
Yet, you would not be reading this were you not ready to take it to the next level with your business. Assuming you are ready for some soul searching and facing realities, let’s talk about how to determine a work pace designed for your success.
The goal is to work at a pace that pushes you enough to keep you growing, without going overboard. How do you know if you are being too hard on yourself or being a slacker?

Reality Check: What is My Work Pace Like Now?

Honestly evaluating yourself can be tough. Many of us are brutal taskmasters and don’t cut ourselves enough slack. Others are kidding themselves about what they are really doing with their days. To further complicate matters, some of us bounce back and forth between the extremes.
So, if it helps, get a trusted friend or family member to help you do an evaluation of your work habits. Promise yourself up front that you will receive constructive criticism with grace. Do not get defensive. The goal is to see more success but nobody ever said it would be easy or that it wouldn’t hurt at times. Get a band-aid and move forward. <3
Now, let’s look at the two extremes…

You Might Be a Slacker If…..

✔ You live in the security of comfort zones.
If you are ALWAYS comfy cozy and accomplishing all your tasks with ease, you’re not pushing yourself. You are capable of much more but shy from trying.
✔ You have absolutely nothing on a back burner.
I will be the first to admit that too many back burners simmering at once is a recipe for disaster. But for an entrepreneur to have nothing brewing in the background shows a lack of ambition and drive.
✔ When you log your real day-to-day activities, they are heavy on busy work and weak on work that makes money.
It is so easy to spend all day long doing trivial little things that aren’t urgent or important. Then you get to the end of your busy day and find you have accomplished nothing of value. If you have never logged every activity to get an honest feel for that, you should. It is very eye-opening.

You Might Be Too Hard on Yourself If…..

✔ You are showing signs of burnout.
Are you constantly frustrated, behind on important or urgent tasks and feeling discouraged? Have you lost some of your passion and enthusiasm for your work and business?
Do you sometimes fantasize about having a “regular job” you can leave at work?
✔ You are experiencing confusion and doubts.
Pushing yourself too hard can result in needless doubts about the future of your business. It causes confusion over which directions to take. When you are in a self-imposed state of overwhelm, your thinking can get really messed up. It is time to lighten up before you make some poor decisions.
✔ People see you as some sort of world-class productivity superhero. However, you can't see it and feel you are never good enough.
Once you have evaluated your current work habits, it’s time to establish a work pace fuels more success in your business. It’s all about being brutally honest with yourself and finding that balance that pushes you without too much frustration.
Let’s talk about frustration for a moment. I imagine most people consider frustration to be a bad thing….and too much of it is not healthy.
However, some frustration is a good sign that you are stretching yourself, moving out of comfort zones, and growing. As a business owner, that is important. If you are not moving forward, it won’t be, long until you are moving backwards. So, welcome some frustration. It is a sign of growth.
Let’s create a plan that works best for you.

What if You Are Too Hard on Yourself?

Striving for excellence is a good thing. Setting impossible standards and then berating yourself for not reaching them….not so much. Again, it is about being honest with yourself and finding balance.
Some things to keep in mind:
  • You don’t have to do everything yourself.
    • Are there aspects of your business you can outsource so you are spending more time on the things you do well, and less time struggling with the rest?
  • Learn when good enough is actually good enough.
    • In our pursuit of excellence, it can be easy to slip into perfectionism. It is important to learn when it is time to declare a task as complete and ready to go.
  • Stay focused on one project at a time. Okay, maybe two.
    • Most entrepreneurs fall prey to this tendency. We are creative thinkers, ambitious, see possibilities everywhere and usually have WAY more great ideas than we could do in a lifetime.
    • Determine what one thing you should be focused on now, and put blinders on to all else.
  • Don’t forget to live the rest of your life too!
    • It is a grand thing to love your work and having your own business. Many of us consider it is like getting paid to do what you love enough to do for free.
But, along the way, don’t forget friends, family, simple pleasures, and taking time to do what thrills your soul. If you don’t give place in your life to these things, I dare to say, you will regret it. Sometimes, regrets come too late….so take heed now.

I hope this has given you some valuable food for thought.

Striving for excellence is a good thing. Setting impossible standards and then berating yourself for not reaching them….not so much. Again, it is about being honest with yourself and finding balance.
Some things to keep in mind:
  • You don’t have to do everything yourself.
    • Are there aspects of your business you can outsource so you are spending more time on the things you do well, and less time struggling with the rest?
  • Learn when good enough is actually good enough.
    • In our pursuit of excellence, it can be easy to slip into perfectionism. It is important to learn when it is time to declare a task as complete and ready to go.
  • Stay focused on one project at a time. Okay, maybe two.
    • Seriously, I know few entrepreneurs who don’t fall prey to this tendency. We are creative thinkers, we’re ambitious, see possibilities everywhere and usually have WAY more great ideas than we could do in a lifetime.
    • Determine what one thing you should be focused on now, and put blinders on to all else.
  • Don’t forget to live the rest of your life too!
    • It is a grand thing to love your work and having your own business. Many of us consider it is like getting paid to do what you love enough to do for free.
But, along the way, don’t forget friends, family, simple pleasures, and taking time to do what thrills your soul. If you don’t give place in your life to these things, I dare to say, you will regret it. Sometimes, regrets come too late….so take heed now.