Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone Or Stay Stagnant
Couple that with an increase to your brainpower and you’ll be nearly unstoppable! Anyone who has experienced eustress may have noticed an increase to aspects of their intelligence; This is due primarily to the brain chemicals called neurotrophins. It’s believed that this may in fact by the primary mechanism which helps boost productivity and concentration.
Comfort zone is synonymous with complacency
I’m sure you’re all thinking that this is well and good, but I’m still not saying what you really want to hear – how the comfort zone can become figurative death for your budding entrepreneurship. Comfort zone is synonymous with complacency; There I said it, mic dropped. The definition of complacency on Merriam-Webster is “a feeling of being satisfied with how things are and not wanting to try to make them better : a complacent feeling or condition”. This is another reason why you need to get out of your comfort zone.
Not wanting to try and make them better, that’s what kills the entrepreneur. Having no sense of urgency or drive to improve will leave the start up just starting up and eventually fizzling out. Safe doesn’t pay your bills or change the world. It’s that step to get out of your comfort zone that’s going to enable you to continue growing and changing with the world around you. So go ahead, live a little.
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