by bsadmin | Apr 28, 2017 | Business, Marketing, Process, Social Media
Authenticity. It is the cry of the masses for something real. It’s also a super-popular buzzphrase right now. Books are being written about it. We seek it in others. We strive to beauthentic ourselves, but are we authentic, really? Do we even know what it means?...
by bsadmin | Apr 25, 2017 | Business, Marketing, Process, Social Media, Tribe
Helping your audience to connect with you, AKA “the feels”, is the key to success in social media – And the key to amassing your tribe. Keep it before you, always. Don’t lose sight of the goal of making people feel so good, they keep coming...
by bsadmin | Apr 18, 2017 | Business, Process
Has Your Focus Flown the Coop? Let’s Talk Regaining It. First we shared tips now for creating focus (CLICK HERE), and then maintaining it once you have it (CLICK HERE). I hope they’ve helped you to get more focus, and be more productive in your...
by bsadmin | Apr 14, 2017 | Business, Facebook, Marketing, Tools
Facebook Business Page – Get One. If you are a business owner, and don’t yet have a Facebook Business or fan page, I bet you hear all the time about how you need one. In fact, we just told you. (Bazinga!) Do you know why? Well, besides that everyone else...
by bsadmin | Apr 11, 2017 | Business, Self-Help
Whether you offer a service, or sell a product, the ultimate goal of any business is to make a profit, which means you must make sales. We put a lot of time and money into resources to help us perfect the art of salesmanship. We read and study, attend sales meetings...
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