BS Blog
When you need a little more than your average BS to help you make the best business decisions.
Secrets of Survival Success
Humans do tend to disagree quite a bit, but one thing we can all agree on is that bad stuff happens. It happens to everybody; Regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, or political affiliation you are, or how much money you have. Obstacles and challenges are a...
7 Traits Most Successful Leaders Share and Value
We sometimes talk about people in terms of their followings. So-and-so has 28,000 followers... and this person over here has 5700, but poor little such-n-such... she only has 320 followers. Somehow, we have begun to equate the number of followers we have with success....
Six Simple Steps to Writing Your Own Sales Copy
If you ever want to sell anything, the need for sales copy is a fact of life. You need to be able to explain why people should buy your product or service. Sales copy is how you gently lead them to the conclusion that they must buy your product, now. You can...
Successful Entrepreneurs Conquer THIS Challenge Every Single Day
It’s a little unusual, but I’m going to start this out by telling you about the challenge I faced in writing this. Then, we’ll move on to the content. Why? Because my process clearly indicates that I, too, and affected by this. Before I tell you WHAT I struggle with,...
Broken Links and SEO; the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
A few weeks ago, we spent some time talking about SEO, what it is and how it affects your business. (Read it HERE if you missed it). I'm always looking for ways to support you and while I was working on a client website review, I ran into a long list of broken links...
Nurture Your Tribe: Part 3 – Sharing the Love
If you have been following this series (Part 1 and Part 2) and applying it, you have now found your tribe (what others call a target market) and started developing relationships, both one-on-one, and as a whole. You do this via your Facebook business page. If you are...
Ignite Your Entrepreneurial Spark and Breakthrough Doubts
Are you ready to start your entrepreneurial endeavor? Do you have what it takes? Will you succeed? Every year millions of people ask themselves these questions as they prepare to embark on a journey that could lead to money, time, confidence, or even heartbreak. To...
SEO to Grow: How SEO Affects Your Business
E-commerce is, well, can be, known as a cut-throat business. You must arm yourself with all the proper knowledge and the tools to make your site better than the rest. Every day, more and more websites are hiring Brisbane SEO experts and others worldwide to optimize...
Nurture Your Tribe: Part 2 – Gathering Your Tribe
In the first post of this series, we defined our concept of TRIBE and talked about why it is important. If you missed it, you can catch up -> CLICK HERE Now let's look at how to gather YOUR tribe. To locate your tribe, you want to make it easy for them to find you,...
Are You Authentic, or Just a Little Weird?
Authenticity. It is the cry of the masses for something real. It's also a super-popular buzzphrase right now. Books are being written about it. We seek it in others. We strive to beauthentic ourselves, but are we authentic, really? Do we even know what it means? What...
Nurture Your Tribe: Part 1 – The Journey Begins
Helping your audience to connect with you, AKA "the feels", is the key to success in social media - And the key to amassing your tribe. Keep it before you, always. Don't lose sight of the goal of making people feel so good, they keep coming back for more. When they...
Focusing on Focus: Part Three – Regaining It
Has Your Focus Flown the Coop? Let's Talk Regaining It. First we shared tips now for creating focus (CLICK HERE), and then maintaining it once you have it (CLICK HERE). I hope they've helped you to get more focus, and be more productive in your business. But...