BS Blog
When you need a little more than your average BS to help you make the best business decisions.
Understanding Guilt and Shame (and why you need to know the difference!)
I want to start off this post by saying that yes, unequivocally, guilt and shame are two different things. In many situations, guilt and shame go hand in hand. It can feel that there is no distinction. Today I’m going to help you understand the difference between the...
Happiness Hack: Harnessing Karma to Get Out What You Give
If you've been applying our happiness hacks, you are living a happier life by being more authentic. You're retraining your brain by wearing out the positive paths. Now, you're ready for some fun with our third happiness hack. The Third Key: Give out whatever it is you...
Happiness Hack: It’s All in Your Head
via GIPHY If you ask people what they want most in life, most will say “just to be happy”. Most of us then spend the bulk of our lives in pursuit of it, only to find it ever-elusive. Like Dorothy and her ruby slippers, we've been hunting without when the key was...
Do Red-Hot Customers Make You Want to Lose Your Cool?
Let’s face it, we’ve all had those customers that just push our buttons and makes us want to flip our lid. However, with the invention of social media, losing our cool in a public forum could lead to serious, business-killing consequences. It’s now more important...
Happiness Hack: Just Be You, All You, All the Time
Once upon a time, you were perfectly happy. You probably don't remember it. It was when you were a young child. Back then, left all alone with nobody to tell you what to do, you were purely and simply happy. You didn't strive and struggle to be happy - you just were....
Flashback Five Years – My Journey from Victim To Survivor
Today, I’m going to tell you a story. My intention is to show you anything is possible. It’s to show you that every adversity has a silver lining, and that any challenge can be overcome if you decide to do so. I want you to read this and feel empowered, much as I feel...
How to Manage Your Emotions in Three Simple Steps
All of us have struggled to control our emotions from time to time. It would seem odd to not feel emotional over events like a marriage or birth of a baby. Or, the opposite end of the spectrum, over situations like a death in the family or a serious traumatic event....
Beat Blogging Burnout and Boost Your Bottom Line
via GIPHY As the dog days of summer drag on, are you feeling the heat? You know the kind of heat I'm talking about..... The freshness of spring has worn off and been replaced with that seemingly endless, dragging feeling that fall might never arrive. You lost your new...
Get Sassy with Your Inner Critic
As an entrepreneur, you are constantly striving to learn and grow. There are no failures, only opportunities to learn more. You apply what you learn and work your plans to do better. You want to be more. You seek excellence in all you do. That is a good recipe for...
3 Free WordPress Plugins for Emerging Entrepreneurs
It’s Friday, in July, when I should be out frolicking and enjoying the sun. Instead, I’m happily working away at websites and content, helping clients bring out their best. Along my travels today, it struck me that I have yet to divulge some of my favorite things to...
How to Laugh Yourself Healthy and Happy
No doubt, we've all heard the phrase, “laughter is the best medicine”. So much so, that it has become cliché and lost much of its power. In actuality, regular bouts of laughter can have health benefits, as well as elevate your mood. Forcing yourself to laugh and play...
How To Quickly Shift Destructive Thinking
"They would be better off without me.” “I'm worthless, no wonder nobody loves me. “ “I don't deserve to be happy anyway.” “Why go on?” Have you ever had destructive thoughts like this? You are not alone. If we are honest, most of us have, but we find the strength to...