BS Blog
When you need a little more than your average BS to help you make the best business decisions.
Has Your Business Slowed Down? Here’s How To Fix It.
Has business slowed? Are you feeling the no-customer blues? It’s something I’m hearing from a lot of business owners right now. I mean, it’s after Christmas so no one is spending, right? Wrong. I’m here to tell you that if your business has slowed, there are still...
Good or Cheap? Set the Correct Expectations
Ah Hoy Hoy Everyone! As you know, I am a huge fan of making sure you're using good business practices. I want to do everything I can to ensure you grow your business and value. Setting expectations are important. Today we're talking about how client want their...
How to Reframe Perception: You Are the Master of Your Own Destiny
CLICK TO LISTEN - Blog Narrated by Sacha BrantOver the course of this series, we’ve talked about reframing many different things. • Failure • Fear • Success • Perfection • Wealth • Time • Holidays • Self-Worth • Expectations • Change • Choice • Communication Do you...
Lack of Likes Got You Down?
Ah hoy hoy everyone! I want to talk about something I’ve noticed a lot of lately. I know sometimes it feels hard to do live videos and keep getting out there. When nobody’s watching or gives likes you can get discouraged. A lack of engagement can lead to also...
The Shoulds Can Kill, Are You Infected?
The Shoulds, sounds scary right? They are. Should is a word most of us use all the time. It creeps and seeps into everything. It’s also one of the few words I consider bad for my health. Do you know why? Are you aware of the DAMAGE should can cause? It’s alright if...
F&%! Perfect
A Hoy Everyone! I'd like to start this post by thanking my amazing team. Our website looks beautiful and has great functionality. However, it's not perfect and that's okay. F&%! perfect. It's difficult to not focus on making everything...
How to Reframe Communication: It’s Peanut Butter Jelly Time
CLICK TO LISTEN - Blog Narrated by Sacha BrantDo you feel that sometimes, in the rush to be heard, you fail to listen? Heck I know I do. What I’ve learned is this - to truly communicate, we must tailor our message to those we are trying to reach. We need to be more...
What’s Your Word for 2018? Mine is Prosper
Ah Hoy Hoy everyone! Today we’re talking about your word for 2018. A former friend of mine started this for me and I run with it every year because it’s brilliant! Pick a word that you want to represent 2018. From Thrive to Prosper Last year I had decided that my word...
How to Reframe Choice: Your Hidden Inherent Superpower
Today I’m going to help you understand something, it took me most of my life to learn. It’s important that you take the time to truly absorb this concept because it will be life-defining. This is going to shake your foundation, so it settles even stronger. I’m here to...
Embrace What Makes You Unique
Are you embracing yourself? You can either accept and embrace yourself or fight against yourself. Change is imminent and constant to growth. You won't find success or happiness without making the changes you need to do so. Embrace and Accept Yourself You have two...
How to Reframe Change: Different ≠ Disaster
Before I dive into how we reframe change, I want to share why I feel so strongly about choosing to do so. I’ve lived on both ends of the spectrum to the extreme; Wanting to constantly change and wanting never to change. When I was down on my luck and fighting for...
Grabbing the Brass Ring
Ah Hoy Hoy everyone! Hope everyone’s having a great day! I love bringing you new content that can provide you value. Have you ever strived to grab the brass ring? Getting a shot at the brass ring means to strive to the highest point and live life to the fullest. Do...