BS Blog

When you need a little more than your average BS to help you make the best business decisions.

Focusing on Focus: Part Two – Maintaining It

Focusing on Focus: Part Two – Maintaining It

Now that you have established some habits to create focus, the task is to maintain it. It's easier than you think, when you apply a few simple strategies. Diligence in this area of focus REALLY pays off in the long run. It will actually strengthen pathways in your...

Focusing on Focus: Part One – Creating It

Focusing on Focus: Part One – Creating It

We have talked about the importance of having laser focus in business (Missed it? CLICK HERE!). Then we gave an example of how to go from totally distracted to ready to rock the to-do list (Read More - CLICK HERE!). Now we are going to start laying it all out and...

How To Rise Above ANY Big Challenge!

How To Rise Above ANY Big Challenge!

  Today, I experienced a mountain-that-was-no-mole-hill kind of challenge to my commitment to maintaining focus in my business life. Without focus, I am such a mental butterfly; I am useless. So, I take that commitment very seriously, but then.... here comes that...

Death by Comfort Zone – Why safe isn’t so safe.

Death by Comfort Zone – Why safe isn’t so safe.

Wikipedia defines comfort zone as “a psychological state in which a person feels familiar, at ease, in control and experiences low anxiety and stress. In the zone a steady level of performance is possible.” Sounds GREAT right?  It all depends on what area of your life...